About me

I am a minister of the Uniting Church in Australia, living in Albury, NSW, Australia. I have a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the University of Sydney, a Graduate Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics from Queensland Institute (now University) of Technology and a Bachelor of Divinity and Theol M Qual from Melbourne College of Divinity. I did my theological study at the United Faculty of Theology in Melbourne, a joint venture between

I am enrolled part time in a PhD program in Studies in Religion,  at the University of New England in Armidale, where I used to live. I began it while I was the Uniting Church chaplain to the University. My thesis is looking at the parables of the Reign (Kingdom) of God that appear in the Gospel of Thomas and comparing them with their parallels in the Synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke). I am interested in what we can learn from them about the Thomas community. You can find out more about all this from the next tab.

I also like to cook, sew, read (mainly fantasy fiction and theology although I’m also quite fond of Phryne Fisher, Maisie Hobbs and the No 1 Women’s Detective Agency), walk (but not alone) and watch movies and discuss them. I’m interested in peace, social justice, ecotheology, feminist theology and multifaith dialogue. I’ve been married for nearly 25 years and am the mother of a twenty-two year old and a twenty-five-year-old, both living in Armidale, hwere we used to live. The younger one has just finished a Bachelor of Arts majoring in German and Linguistics and is about to start an honours year in Linguistics and the older one works at the university, using his computer science degree.

The photo on this blog is of the waterfalls at Wollomombi Gorge, near Armidale in New South Wales. I took it when we were there in December 2012.

8 thoughts on “About me

  1. Dear Judy,

    Do you know if it is possible to find a key to exercises for Layton’s “Coptic in 20 Lessons” somewhere?

    I would appreciate your advice.

    With best wishes,


  2. Dear Professor Redman,
    My name is Jim Taddeo. I am interested in what you have to write. I have a few questions I was hoping you could help me answer.

    How authentic are the Gospels, on the whole? In other words, are the folks at the Jesus Seminar accurate in saying Jesus was just some random Jewish minister, and also is the Gospel of Thomas more accurate?

    Are there any responses to Thomas Paine’s criticism of religion that aren’t reactionary?

    Does theology inherently depend on miracles?

    Do you think that natural theology is just pantheism?

    Is it possible to have a mature belief in a personal God? E.G. can you believe in God without having to see God as a secular symbol of harmony in the Universe in a mature way?


    Jim Taddeo

  3. Dear teacher, I’m Doctoral researcher, being mentored by Professor Andre CHEVITARESE. My research relates to memory, oral transmission and eyewitnesses in early Christianity. I’m interested in deepening the subject including the Gospel of Thomas to my studies. I saw on your blog that you did this analysis comparing Matthew, Luke and Thomas Could you provide the full text of your work? Thank you for your attention.

  4. Dear Lair, I am sorry I haven’t responded soon – for some reason WordPress has stopped sending me notifications about comments on this blogsite and I didn’t notice yours. My paper is published in the Journal of Biblical Literature: Redman, Judith Christine Single, ‘How Accurate Are Eyewitnesses? Bauckham and the Eyewitnesses in the Light of Psychological Research’, Journal of Biblical Literature, 129 (1) (2010), pp. 177-97. I can send you a copy by email if you give me your details, but because of copyright issues, I can’t just post it on this blog.

  5. 31. Jesus said, “No prophet is welcome on his home turf; doctors don’t cure those who know them.”
    Was, Is and Shall; this sentiment hold sway. This is nothing else but the speech of a mortal. This #31 of the sayings is repeated in all four of the conical gospels with only Luke adding the portion of the physician.
    The first three speak of Jesus’ mortal family in the rationalizing of; Shall a mere mortal guide us. And in Luke, physician heal thyself. Luke as given was a most dear physician and fellow labourer, LUKE.
    Luqman, Surah #31 of the Quran speaks to this saying, just as all of the 114 surahs, number for number, textual content for textual content are an exact match for each saying and surah. This I’m SURE OF. The hidden wisdom of God.
    This type of eucharist of the bread of life, given in ceremony of the last supper; is as the discerning of the body of Christ, for which not tasting of death or the crown of life is to be attained. This numbering can be verified in the Douay-Rheims translation. The word BODY; is 114 verses of the New Testament. The word SURE; 114 verses in the whole of the Bible. And the word CROWN; 114 verses throughout the whole of the Bible. This to me is of a type three witnesses, just as the 153 fishes of Peter’s another type.
    Surely this should behead the beheaders of the radical ones among us now.

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